In most cases, human papillomavirus in men is not life-threatening. Once in the body, HPV causes the appearance of benign formations. But there are seals that have a high oncogenic degree. The development of this strain is the first stage in the formation of oncology. The onset of a fatal disease can be accidentally "overlooked. "Its origin occurs in the upper layer of the epidermis and does not manifest itself for a long time.
Types of papillomavirus
There are a large number of papillomaviruses. Some species have not yet been thoroughly studied. If you become infected with one type, you can acquire a harmless wart, while with another you can develop a malignant formation and cancer. Papillomas in men on the head of the penis are the subject of special attention, since there is a high risk of developing cancer.
The classification of HPV strains is divided into three categories, according to the ICD:

- Non-oncogenic group (types 1-3, 5). They mostly pass due to the resistance of the human immune system. They never turn evil.
- Low risk viruses. It is transmitted through traditional sexual contact. In the presence of favorable conditions for development, in very rare cases, they can become the initial stage of the oncological process. This type includes: 6, 11, 42-44.
- High percentage of "serious" pathology. This class of pathogens often becomes a provocateur of malignant genitourinary formations. The most dangerous are types 16 and 18, which contribute to the development of genital cancer in men and cervical cancer in sexual partners.
It's important to know! Of particular interest are strains of types 13, 31, 33 and 35. Their danger lies in the development of genital warts in intimate places. A sign of other no less serious infections is the rash (58, 39, 52, 30, 42, 43, 59, 55, 57, 40, 61, 62 and 67-70).
Features of the development of papillomas on the male body.
Upon entering the human body, the papillomavirus always goes through the same stages of development:
- Latent stage. The disease does not manifest itself in any way by external symptoms. Its presence can only be diagnosed by PCR.
- Clinical phase. Various formations appear as a result of further cell division.
- Dysplasia is a progressive stage. A deformation of the cellular structure occurs.
- Carcinoma: the papillomavirus integrates, a malignant mutation of the DNA code occurs. An invasive cancer develops.
Genital warts that appear in the bikini area, testicular sac, head of the penis, and foreskin require immediate treatment. Such growths negatively affect the personal life of a man, cause health problems for his wife and contribute to the development of papillomatosis in the fetus. They can also become malignant. Sometimes condylomas are a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases that have not fully manifested themselves (for example, syphilis).
Infection routes
The most common way to acquire HPV is through sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. In this case, the form of intimate communication does not matter. The domestic route of infection is much less common. There is a risk of infection when visiting public places:
- Swimming pools, baths, saunas - pathogenic microbes are easily transmitted from the host and penetrate through abrasions and scratches.
- Hairdressers and beauty salons: the risk of infection is inversely proportional to the handling of the instruments.
- Surgical and dental procedures can contribute to infection.
The maximum protection is to maintain basic personal hygiene: both at home and outside the home. Barrier contraceptive methods can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.
Favorable conditions for progression.
After entering the male body, the virus remains in a "sleeping" mode for a long time. The following reasons can "trigger" it:
- Weakened immunity after a long illness.
- The presence of regular physical or emotional "overload. "
- Exhaustion of the body due to severe stress.
- Various venereal pathologies.
- Increased sweating.
A dangerous feature of HPV is that the characteristic symptoms appear not at the initial stage of the disease, but at its "peak". Which prevents the identification of threatening strains in the early stages.
Symptom complex

Emerging HPV formations have their own distinctive nuances. To exclude the presence of other similar diseases, it is necessary to carefully analyze the clinical "picture". So, signs of papillomavirus in men:
- Acrochords or filiform papillomas on the stem. Generally flesh-colored or dark brown. Reaches a size of 5 mm. They appear on the neck, face, scrotum and testicles, groin, and armpits. They often get injured.
- Flat growths are a set of nodules that have a shiny surface without folds. It has a beige or pinkish tint. Normally the size does not exceed 8 millimeters. The affected areas are the shins, hands and forearms.
- Condylomas on the head in men are pointed grayish plaques on a stalk. There are single and multiple ones. Frequent "habitat" areas for growths are the pelvis and genitals. Often the anus becomes blocked, causing burning, itching and bleeding.
- A column is a round formation that appears on the outside of the palms and soles. If left untreated, after a few weeks they become rough and a blackhead appears in the center.
- Common warts (simple, vulgar). They appear simultaneously as a complete group. The maximum size is 10 mm. Generally the knees, hands and fingers "suffer. "
The sooner treatment against papillomavirus is started, the greater the chances of avoiding serious health consequences.
Dangerous consequences
Statistical data reports rare cases of cancer development due to HPV in men. An alarming factor is the formations on the surface of the penis and pubis. At any time they can turn into an evil form. Other pimples, for example on the back or in the mouth, should also be treated with appropriate measures.
Attention! If the manifestations of the papillomavirus are not treated for a long time, they can develop into melanoma, a skin cancer.
Establish diagnosis
How to treat papillomas on the head of the penis? Visiting a dermatologist is the first step towards healing. The initial appointment with a specialist includes a thorough visual examination of the mucous membranes and skin. A detailed examination of the patient is also carried out and individual complaints are heard.
If the presence of a virus is suspected, the patient is sent for additional examination:
- Blood and bladder secretion are donated for analysis. According to the indicators obtained, the causative agent of the virus is isolated from the general DNA material.
- A condyloma biopsy is performed. The result determines the presence or absence of cancer cells.
- A cytological examination of the mucous membranes is performed.
- Sometimes ureteroscopy is required.
After the final anamnesis, the doctor makes a conclusion and determines the treatment complex.
Treatment for men
It is impossible to completely get rid of HPV, like the herpes virus. Treatment of papillomas in men is as follows: all therapeutic and surgical measures are aimed at leveling the manifestations of the pathology and increasing the period of remission.
Specialist who will help you
To develop optimal tactics for combating the papillomavirus, it is necessary to undergo examination by several specialists. (Venereologist, proctologist, urologist and, where appropriate, oncologist). At first, you can contact your local therapist, who will coordinate your further actions.
Removal of papillomas
When identifying viruses of types 16 and 18, it is imperative to remove all types of growths. After which a drug treatment is prescribed that can suppress the causative agent of the disease and at the same time maximize the body's natural defenses. A radical method is used to get rid of papillomas if conservative treatment does not bring the desired result.

The procedure is carried out in different ways:
Type of intervention | Implementation method | Purpose and characteristics of the procedure. |
Surgery | The tool is an ordinary scalpel. The choice of anesthesia depends on the affected area, the medical prescription and the patient's wishes. | Mainly used for oncological papillomas. |
Laser | With the help of infrared rays, pathological growths are "burned". | It is characterized by minimal complications and the possibility of complete removal of damaged tissue. |
Radioknife excision. | Impact on education with high frequency waves. | An effective, fast and painless way. It is often used to remove papillomas under the head of the penis. |
Electrocoagulation | Impact of electric current on papilloma. | It is distinguished by a long healing process (up to two weeks). A painful method, according to customer reviews. Afterwards, a scar remains. |
cryodestruction | Liquid nitrogen is used. | According to patient feedback, this is a rather inconvenient method. |
Chemical methods | Local use of various synthetic agents. | Do not use on very sensitive areas of the body, such as the head of the penis. Damage to healthy tissues is also possible. |
Attention! It is strictly prohibited to get rid of papilloma yourself at home or smear it with iodine. Such damage can lead to a transition from a benign tumor to a cancerous tumor.
Other therapeutic methods
Conservative treatment of papillomavirus in the stronger sex consists of taking medications.
Typically, specialists prescribe the following medications:
- Stop increased cell division: creams, ointments.
- Natural local agents (celandine) are sold in pharmacies at an affordable price.
- Promote the activation of independent synthesis of interferons in the patient's body.
- Immunomodulatory tablets.
- Antiviral medications.
The dosage, regimen and duration of the course are determined solely by the attending physician. During therapy, qualified monitoring of the effectiveness of the chosen tactics and timely detection of possible allergic reactions is necessary. No virus can be treated with antibiotics. The doctor takes into account the need for its use, depending on the course of the disease. The use of folk recipes for HPV can in no case replace medical prescriptions. The use of various herbal decoctions is possible after consulting a specialist. This fact should not be ignored if there are chronic intestinal pathologies.
Papilloma prevention
Preventive measures against the papillomavirus are possible without special knowledge and skills. The conditions for a healthy lifestyle, monogamous relationships and personal hygiene are within everyone's reach. Modern scientists have developed several vaccines, vaccination of which significantly reduces the risk of developing HPV with a high oncogenic potential (6, 11, 16 and 18). The vaccine, which consists of two elements, is designed to prevent the most dangerous strains. The most appropriate age for vaccination is considered to be between 10 and 25 years. The effectiveness period of the vaccine is approximately 6. 5 years. Vaccines are suitable for both girls and boys.
So that in a "wonderful" moment you do not have to face the problem of how to get rid of papillomas, you need to remember the precautions. Protected sexual relations, unfortunately, are not always a guarantee of good health. A regular preventive medical examination will help. The need to get vaccinated depends on each person to decide for themselves. But if there are proven means that protect against the possibility of a deadly disease, then it would be a sin not to use them.